New Delhi: The Bar Council of India (BCI) has announced that it will conduct the All India Bar Examination, commonly known as AIBE, for the new session on August 16. The AIBE XV exam will be conducted in offline mode, with candidates to be allowed to use textbooks to answer questions. Registrations for the AIBE XV commences in online mode on May 16; the last date to submit completed applications is July 27.
As per eligibility criteria prescribed by the BCI, the AIBE 15 exam will be open to such candidates who have passed 3-year or 5-year integrated LLB program. Also, the candidate must have completed their graduation after July 1, 2011.
Admit cards
Successfully registered candidates will be issued admit cards from August 9 onward. To download the admit card, the candidate needs to visit the official website and click on the relevant link and log-in by entering one’s registration number and password.
AIBE XV Schedule
Event | Dates |
Online registration starts | May 16 |
Bank payment through challan commences | May 16 |
Last date to register online | July 27 |
Last date to make payment | July 29 |
Last date for completion ofonline form | August 2 |
Issue of AIBE 15 admit cards | August 9 |
AIBE XV exam date | August 16 |
Key updates for candidates whose centres were cancelled
The BCI on February 6 had withheld results of 9 exam centres for the AIBE-XIV held on 15th September 2019. It released a notice saying all affected candidates have to re-appear in the AIBE exam.
In a fresh notice published on May 10, the BCI now says a detailed update regarding the status of affected candidates will be released soon.
AIBE XIV: Cancelled exam centres with centre codes
- Visakhapatnam- CC-15
- Bhopal- CC-35
- Jabalpur- CC-36
- Allahabad- CC-53
- Allahabad- CC-54
- Allahabad- CC-55
- Allahabad- CC-56
- Allahabad- CC-57
- Allahabad- CC-58
AIBE exam explained
The AIBE is an exam taken by law graduates to earn the “Certificate of Practice” awarded by the Bar Council of India. Without the certification, law graduates can’t practice as an advocate anywhere in India.
The test evaluates the analytical ability of the advocate and her basic understanding of law.
Key features of the exam:
- The test is conducted in offline mode
- Interestingly, during the course of the exam candidates are allowed to consult text books. So, the moniker open-book exam as it is colloquially known.
- The duration of the exam is 3 hours 30 minutes, with 100 MCQs of 1 mark each; no marks are deducted for wrong attempts.
- The exam is conducted in 11 languages.
- Result: Since it is a certification exam, results are simply reported as qualified or failed. No scores are released.
Contact details:
Bar Council of India
21 Rouse Avenue Institutional Area ITO,
Near Bal Bhawan
New Delhi – 110002.
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