KCET Result 2021 – Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) will upload the result of KCET 2021 on its official KEA website. The applicant can check the KCET 2021 result online once it is declared around the 2nd week of May. To check their results, the candidate has to log-in to teh result portal by entering their registration number. The result would contain important details like the CET number, sectional and overall score of the candidate in KCET 2021, qualifying status, and rank of the candidate. Exam officials will also release the KCET merit list 2021, which will be prepared based on marks obtained by candidates in the entrance exam; only such candidates who qualify in the exam will be included in the list. Also, the KCET 2021 merit list would be used for the seat allotment process. Go through the rest of the article to learn the full details of KCET result 2021.
KCET 2021 result dates
Event | Dates |
KCET 2021 exam date | 4th week of April, 2021 |
Declaration of KCET 2021 result | 2nd week of May, 2020 |
Commencment of counselling | To be notified |
KCET official website | Click here |
How to check KCET result 2021
- Go to the KEA website
- Click on the result link
- A log-in window will open
- Enter your KCET registration number
- The result would be declared in online mode
- Download and take a printout of the KCET 2021 result
Also Read:
KCET Exam Centre 2021
KCET Admit Card 2021
KCET Eligibility Criteria 2021
What details will be mentioned on KCET result 2021
- The name of the candidate
- CET number
- Subject-wise scores
- Combined score
- KCET Rank
- Qualifying marks
How to challenge KCET 2021 result
There are many reasons why a candidate may want to challenge the KCET result, but to do that the candidate has to follow the prescribed official procedure. Also, not all aspects of the KCET result can be challenged; for example the candidate can ask for reevaluation of answer sheets upon release of the KCET final answer key.
However, the candidate can request for correction in qualifying exam marks, request for change in version code of KCET question paper if it is marked incorrectly, and ask for restoration of KCET marks if it is missing.
The procedure to challenge KCET result 2021 is explained below:
- A request for evaluation of KCET result has to be made withing 3 days of the declaration of results; after that no requests will be entertained.
- In case the qualifying exam score is incorrectly entered in the KCET result, the candidate must send a formal request to KEA exam officials requesting for correction.
- The KEA officials will go through the request send by candidates before declaring the final result.
KCET Merit List 2021
KEA officials will prepared the merit list of KCET 2021 based on marks obtained by candidates in the KCET 2021 entrance exam. This means the marks scores by candidates in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics (Biology) would be used for preparing the KCET merit list 2021.
An interesting feature of the KCET merit list is it will only include such candidates who have qualified in the exam. Those who fail to qualify will not be included in the merit list, and consequently will not be eligible to participate in the counselling process. Please note that only those candidates who are listed in the merit list will be invited for KCET counselling.
KCET counselling 2021
KEA officials will conduct the counselling of KCET 2021 a few weeks after the declaration of results. The couselling processwould be conducted in online mode and open to merit list candidates.
As part of the KCET counselling process, the candidate has to participate in choice filling and locking, wherein the candidate has to pick his choice of colleges and courses. The candidate will also have to get their documents verified. The KCET seat allotment 2021 will be based on the choices filled by the candidate and their merit rank. Upon seat allotment, the candidate needs to pay the seat allotment fee and confirm their seats. Finally the candidate will have to report at the allotted institute to conclude the KCET 2021 admission process.